Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Going public soon! Suggestions?

As you all know very well, MineLife, the Imagine Nation's server will be going public soon (when we have permissions)! But before we do I wanted to ask you, our trusted members, if there was anything you thought needed to be added, removed or changed (this includes plugin, rule, feature suggestions) so that the server/site could be even better for when the grand public visits.

Post your thoughts in the comments!

Essentials, MultiInv and MachinaCraft have been updated to 1.4.5! This means potatoes and carrots can be harvested by MachinaPlanters!


  1. Sacha! We MUST get AntiCreeper back! If we go public players might blow up the world with creepers! Plus, I'm EXTREMELY tired of Smart's desert getting blown up! He's making me fix it now (Even though I don't mind because I have a sand/gravel generator). PLEASE!!!!!!!!! get AntiCreeper back! Smart is also complaining!
    - Mine

    1. That's why we have GriefPrevention. Tell Smart to claim his desert if he doesn't want it going up in flammes and ashes :P


    2. I think we need a non number IP adress to prevent IP hackers.


    3. @Mine Dude. I don't have creepers blowing my stuff up... :S

    4. Even if we had something like "" or whatever, they'd be able to trace it.
      Note to Imagine:
      Only advertise on TRUSTED websites like the MBs or the wiki and at the limit the MC forums.


  2. Hmmm.... My main vote is to have tough people on as much as possible. We do not need any people who refuse to ban because they are being "Nice"

    1. I understand your point. However, this is a team dedicated to fun after all. We don't want people getting banned for spamming the chat for the first time.

      But I do intend to write a list of sentences for offenders.
      I.e.: Griefing 1st time: jail 3 days
      Griefing 2nd time: jail 7 days
      Griefing 3rd time: Ban (can be revised)


    2. I just wanted to add that I am satlmd.

    3. Ohhh. Good to know :P


  3. Even though I am not on the server anymore I agree with Matt. You need to have very strict rules and enforce them strictly. Give second chances for first time offenders but after that just jail/mute/ban them without question.



  4. Speaking from experience with playing on public servers, we absolutely need anticreeper. I also think that newcomers after we go public (who don't know any of the current members) should not be able to break blocks in the 'wilderness' until they have proved themselves trustworthy.


    1. I think you're right bear. I like your idea :)
      - Mine

    2. This is why we are working on permissions. People who just arrived will not be able to break/build until they are "promoted". Don't worry, Imagine and I have worked out the details :)


    3. Have you started working on permissions yet?
      What plugin are you using?
      - Mine

    4. What plugin is it and does Imagine know what he's doing?
      - Mine

    5. Relax mine. Everything is going smoothly.

    6. Good but what plugin are we using?
      PermissionsEx, PermissionsBukkit, EssentialsGroupManager ?
      What plugin?
      - Mine

    7. Thanks Sacha :)
      - Mine

    8. I am working on permissions but I am really busy IRL ATM.
      PS: I did two accronyms :P

  5. sacha,
    am i allowed on the server?

    1. as far as I know you are. However, I haven't been on the server for a while.
      Why do you ask?

    2. smart told me i couldn't.

    3. You can come. I didn't ban you or anything. I hear you and Smart are having a fight because of credit related problems.
      Now I understand you and Smart might not be on the best of terms at the moment, but even if he said "you can't come on", you can. Smart doesn't have the authority to kick you out because he finds you annoying or something.


    4. btw ive droped the problem we had ages ago so now im mostly fine.

  6. I was looking at mods because I might come back to MC if I can find some I like AND download them and I found this one for chat bubbles that would be nice for a more LU like feel. You should look into it Sacha.



    1. Good idea Twister, but we were thinking of getting Voxel Bubbles (or something like that). It is a plugin it so it will work better with the server. Still requires a client modification.

  7. Oh here is the link.

    1. However, I do like that mod, but it client only. We have a server and Voxel is built for servers

  8. A few things we need:
    1. Permissions
    2. Specific rules and punishments for not following them repeatedly
    3. Clean up the site
    4. Some form of PVP
    5. Clean up our plugins
    6. Spawn place
    7. ...some other stuff but I have to go to school now so maybe later :P

    1. I was thinking of asking Mine to whip up a little plugin with only one feature in mind (he's a beginner developer): to perform the /sentences or /punishments command. Like rules, it will list the punishments as a list in the chat bar.
      Grief 1st time: 1 day prison
      Grief 2nd time: 3 days prison (and so on)

      What do you think?

    2. in a way, we already have plugin that does that. Essentials. You can make it that if you do /rules punishments you get all the punishments. Also, don't forget about the info page that can also have chapters (different sections)

    3. I'm actually an intermediate Java programmer now. I've been learning some intermediate stuff now. I'm still a beginner at bukkit plugin development but once I finish some more intermediate tutorials, I will begin your plugin idea. I'll give you credit for the idea and I'll get credit for the code. I'm sure it will be a great addition to MineLife :)
      - Mine

  9. Is there any way we could make the server host more people, instead of just 10?

  10. Sounds good Mine :)
    And Satlmd, no, not really because that would mean a bigger stress on my Internet and computer and I can't really afford that (last month, our Internet bill went 50$ over what we usually pay because of surplus downloaded content, because whenever a block is placed, removed or when a player moves, talks, whatever, it uses bandwidth)

    In conclusion, at best we can bring it up to 15. Nothing more.

    1. Hello Sacha. I'm leaving the Imagine Nation. I'm sorry to tell you this. I am leaving because of the way 1 or more players who I shall not specify are treating me in a way I don't like. 1 ore more players again who I shall not specify are not respecting me and I don't appreciate it. I'm not happy with what has happened and I think I'm wasting too much time to work out these things or try to work them out. Unfortunately because of this the Imagine Nation will not be welcome to my server. It's going public and I will be starting my own group of players in Minecraft. I hate to say that the Imagine Nation isn't welcome to my server. It's because of the 1 or more players who I'm not specifying caused me to feel this way. I'm sorry that I'm leaving. I am leaving the Imagine Nation and moving on my own. I understand how you feel about your ideas for plugins. I will be creating those plugins still. I have decided that I will give you the link for the plugin when I complete it. Even though I'm leaving and Imagine Nation doesn't matter to me now I will still finish your thoughts for having these plugins for MineLife. It was nice being with out and now I am saying goodbye. Goodbye to all :
      ImagineMan, Sacha862, SmartFlyngWarior, AtomicScientist2, Michael120, Bear and Twist even though you're not on anymore, and everyone else.
      Sorry I have to leave. This is probably going to be permanent. Bye everyone.
      - Mine
      P.S. I will check for replies to this post for the next week or two. If you post a reply before then, I will see it and read it.
      P.S.S. Sacha, even though I'm leaving I will create those plugins for you and myself, and I'll give you the links to them once they're completed. I will post the links as a comment on the latest post when they're completed.
      Goodbye again to all.

      GOOD BYE

      IIIII N N
      I NN N
      I N N N
      I N N N
      IIIII N NN

      (Imagine Nation)

      - Minecraft1415926

    2. Mine. I need to know who has not been respecting you. It's part of my job. If you don't want to publicly announce it, you can contact me using (my email address). I promise I wouldn't tell anyone expect ImagineMan if the problem is worst than I think. Please Mine, I'm trying to help.


    3. Okay I'll send email. We can talk using email to work this out. I don't want to talk about it publicly. I'm sending an email and if you need to reply please send it to my email address. If this problem gets worked out I will decide to stay with the Imagine Nation.
      Thanks for offering to help :)
      - Mine

    4. UPDATE : I'm actually writing a draft but I'll decide it it's good to send later today. You should get the email either today or tomorrow.
      - Mine

    5. I hope we can get this issue resolved Mine. Sacha, forward me the message so that I can be included, cause this needs to be resolved.

    6. I'm probably gonna send the email today but I'm sorta busy and I gtg somewhere tonight :P
      - Mine

    7. Will do Imagine, and ok Mine.


    8. Sorry I haven't sent it yet. I've been kinda busy learning Collections, Lists, generic methods, and applets (all of these in Java). I'll try tonight Okay.
      - Mine

  11. 1) Would donation be appreciated? I'd donate. (PayPal?) And if you did donations, you could move to a rent it out month by month server. Promised good connection, and more dedicated CPU usage for the server. (and you don't lag out as much)

    2) Looks like Mine was your plugin manager.....I do realise you always review the plugins as staff and then get everything set up. I have plugin experience, I'd be willing to show back history on things I've done. (I have a good group manager config if you need one)

    3) Server is awesome so far. Will member have the permissions to make their name colored? If you need the node for that I'll find it.

    4) Will we start a new map....? D:

    1. Published early, sorry.

      5) "PvP of some sort" could be solved by employing somebody who is on at least 30 minutes a day to build it, somewhere near Nexus Tower. MobArena is a great plugin also, and provides a different option that just PvP. I have great memories in MobArena. (Also, you use the WarZone (I think that's in Essentials Spawn or something) thing for the PvP arena.)

      6) Spawn is Nexus Tower right? Well then maybe we should actually keep building it then... I've seen no progress on it since I joined the server.

      7) PLEASE. I beg of you, PLEASE. Find out if there's an update for your timber plugin. All those sideways logs get VERY annoying. If we didn't have it I wouldn't mind doing it, but the plugin IS supposed to bring ease to chopping down trees.

      8) Mine, we'll miss you. I personally thought you seem like a nice guy.

    2. Ok, Ferf, I suggest you relay numbers 3, 5 and 6 to ImagineMan via (email address).

      As for numbers 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, I'll answer.
      1) I don't think I can accept donations (I'm 13 years old, it might cause problems). And even if I could, I'm not sure how to manage that... To be continued.

      2) I think we can use your help :)

      4) Unless a huge new map feature comes out, no.

      7) I updated the plugin to 1.3.2 (the latest version). I think it might fix the sideways log thing.

      8) I'm not giving up yet. Mine, you're getting back over here :P


    3. My bad, I meant

    4. don't worry, I am going to answer on the blog later today or this weekend. Most probably this weekend since I won't have ANY homework :D

    5. LUCKY! I have like 3 projects to work on. I'm not even exaggerating...


    6. @Ferfature
      Answers to your questions
      1. Donations would be appreciated. I will work out the details with my dad (under 18) and we might be able to add a donate paypal button on the site. I never thought someone would want to donate, but we would love the help :D If enough donations come in, we could upgrade to a dedicated server that doesn't eat up Sacha's internet bill
      2. Since the Imagine Nation is going to get a lot bigger we would appreciate whatever help you could give.
      3. Yes, people will have that permission. I will work on the permissions files this weekend probably and maybe you could help me out.
      4. We won't get rid of the map we have. However, we are going to add new worlds, such as Frostivus!
      5. For pvp, we are going to use PvpArena and MobArena. Also will probably get EpicBoss. All these plugins add some great PvP and team up battles.
      6. The spawn will be Nexus Tower. I am not working on it but I will make sure it is finished before we go public :)
      7. I am going to "clean" up all the plugins this weekend. Broken/unused ones are trashed while cool ones are added on (not all at once though).
      8. Hopefully Mine will stay, cause I will miss him so much if he leaves D':

  12. Goodbye Mine, I'll miss you too... I know I wasn't that of a friend for you, or I think... But still, I considered you as part of IN and as if you belonged to us... I'm also angry at that certain guy who was not respectful to you, I think that guy deserves a mute for a week or so... I mean, for crying out loud, that is bullying and I will not let this pass. Sacha may be the only one to hear the name, though i hope i'll know it soon. Again, goodbye Mine, we will miss you and I feel like you belonged to us.

    Vicotaco, with a little sad face :(

    1. I appreciate how you feel Vico. Thanks for saying goodbye.
      Bye :(
      - Mine

  13. I am back guys. No homework this weekend so that is good :D


    1. I KNOW! Fireworks will be so cool!
      About the heads, I plan to get a plugin that makes creepers and skeletons drop heads. Not only that, but PLAYERS rarely drop their heads on PVP kill, with their skin on the head :)

  15. Most comments for a single post O_O


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