Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Imagine Nation Server Has Returned

Yes, it is truly back. No more "next week" or "after vacation" or even "my computer is broken," the server is truly back--though I would like you to know I did have vacations and my computer did break but is now fixed with nothing lost, including the files. I just want to give you guys a big thank you for your incredible patience! I hope you forgive me the long wait and I hope I can regain your trust.
With that out of the way, here is the IP, for all to go on!
Not too hard to remember, isn't it? The server is on 24/7 and has the fastest hard drives you can get with a good 1GB of super techno RAM. 
Now, while creating the server was a success, not all files could be saved since they were lost. 
Anything I don't list down here however, are on the server, including, most importantly, the worlds 
and all of your player inventories. So the worlds and items are ok, only the plugins were the major loss.
  • Dynmap is not installed because I will work on that later. My priority was the server
  • Perhaps worst of all, the Grief Prevention claims could not be saved! There was nothing I could do because they were lost when we switched hosts and it was one of the only files that were not successfully transferred over. To try to fix the problem, you should start out with 100,000 claim blocks, hopefully enough to regain what you had before. Please do NOT use the claim blocks to claim land you did not have before and do NOT use it to claim other people's buildings before they have a chance to claim it. In other words, do not claim an entire continent so you can be the most powerful player ever. Or do not go claim your castle and village back and then expand the claim to give you the entire forest when you only had half of it. Or do not go and claim someone else's castle. I know this is more frustration, but it is the best I could do. Please do not abuse the blocks and later on I will reset everyone's claim block bank and you can be allowed to claim as before. And if you find someone who has abused or gone against these guidelines, please do not go and yell at them, simply try to message me on the server or preferably on the forum or my email for a faster response ( and I will take care of it.
  • CityGates is inactive and no longer is updated so it was removed, along with SignLift
  • Some plugin config files had to be reset but most of those plugins still work the same as they did before
  • There may be more, but the big stuff was taken care of. If you notice anything please contact me somehow so I can fix it
Now also remember, the server is, mostly, like it was before. I did not do any updates or install something new. While there will be some new stuff, don't expect it for a while since we need to make sure everything we have now is working so if you notice anything bug worthy or not right, again, contact me. I would also like you to know that all updates I plan to do I am going to test privately on my own computer and once done, ask you guys about it. This way I don't install a new plugin or start a new project on the server that isn't ready yet or is too messy. Instead, you won't need to worry about it messing with your fun on the server until it is installed.
So have fun on the server and thank you for staying with the Imagine Nation. If you guys remember, on the last few days of LU, I went to every spot of the Universe. I went to famous npc's, all the worlds, major monuments, glitch worlds, properties, and the like yelling out "Imagination never ends!" Well, thanks to you, I can now say "The Imagine Nation never ends!"
PS: Also set up ads tonight as well. They will pop up once my application is approved.



I do not, I repeat, do not, have a newer save file.

Here's the things that are gone (that I can remember)

  • My personal kingdom island with walls 50% done.
  • My private house island 100% done
  • My Jungle house
  • Malidor with lots of improvements
  • Moscow (and all it's plots inside)
  • Nexus Tower
  • Smart Castle rennovation (including the tree, and 4 of 5 beacons now gone)
  • The Great Wall of Smart
  • Bear's town
  • Hallowdin's many upgrades including mycelium grass everywhere
  • Everyone's heads
  • Build's castle
  • JohnnyB's HappyLand
  • AJ/MysteryJediMan's secret Malidor room
  • Team Alpha HQ
  • Everyone's special tools, armor, and weapons
  • Everyone's small renovations to their homes
  • Hallowdin's first outpost
  • Ion's town
To me, I cannot bear the thought of rebuilding this all. I would rather start anew. I know there will probably be some controversey on this though, so please. Leave your vote in the comments as a reply to my comment that will say "Vote here".

- Ferfature the Christographer


  1. YAY! Finally! Thanks Imagine! I just find it a bit frustrating that I release IN News #4 saying that it's not up yet just 3 hours earlier though :P


  2. Imagine....

    You uploaded an EXTREMELY outdated version of the map. Ive lost over a week of solid work. What happened? Please restore the server to the way it was directly before the server host ran out.


  3. Also, beg to differ, but my Survival inventory was not saved. So the "items are saved" statement is false... at least for me it is.


  4. Imagine.

    I am very dissapointed. The server went up, however it is a very old backup. Everyone is missing so much work. Ferf does not have a backup, so it looks like were starting from scratch.


    1. Smart are you REALLY gonna start with this now? YOU disappoint ME.


  5. Replies
    1. Legouniverse182/UniveralDelta has vote to start anew

      I personally vote to start anew

    2. I vote to start a new world. This time PLEASE!!!!!!! make sure you don't lose a copy of it. I would hate if this happened again D:

    3. I ask to start a new world. Quite honestly, the server has suffered loop holes and Hallowdin, MY OWN HOUSE, isn't that nice anyway! I don't care about starting over and I certainly think it is the best option.


    4. I vote we start all over again. I some things and many others have lost simply too much to want to rebuild.

  6. I'm very disappointed that Ferf doesn't have a newer copy. The world had been Griefed before and I've heard in bad ways. It would be a lot of work to re-build 4 months of work D:. I think that we should start a new world after all this. Unfortunately we've lost a lot including buildings, renovations, towns, and HappyLand D:. It's so unfortunate that this had to happen ):. It didn't affect me because I wasn't on since October but I feel bad for everyone else who lost stuff ):. I vote that we start a new.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I vote we start again. A fresh map for a fresh start for a fresh team for a fresh site for a fresh... everything.



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