Saturday, June 8, 2013

Expansion on Forum Post

Last night I posted a quick forum post about a few things in a few words. This post on the home page is going to expand on that forum post. It isn't everything I need to tell you, but it sure is a lot.

Server Freezing

Most of you have unfortunately witnessed the server freezing up every once in a while. After a lot of question to BeastNode, I think we figured out the problem. The problem has to do with the worlds not working right. To quote BeastNode:
We can try running VoidChunk on it to remove chunks with the corruption in it, but there is no guarantee it will work.
Based on the logs, it shows "NBT" errors, which usually only happens when it comes to world problems. It could be multi world related in that the problem could be with any of your worlds if you have more than one (but again, it likely isn't the plugin itself that is the problem).
To fix this, I could remove the worlds and only leave one at a time. If no freeze occurs, that world is fixed. I could continue this experiment until I find the corrupted world(s). However, this would be a long process and limit the worlds you could explore. So for now, I will keep the worlds as is. Lately I don't think the server is freezing to often, but if you do notice that it does, please tell me so I can fix it.

Ads, PayPal, and Site Maintenance

Ads have finally been set up. They already have brought us $4 in one day! However, in order to get accepted by Google, I had to remove some old posts and remove some content from other posts. Such content includes embeded youtube videos and google images we had no permission to. However, you shouldn't miss them because those posts were months old. Also, donations should come soon since I set up a PayPal.
Another thing I removed is the site logo and favicon--the small image that shows in your tab. This is temporary, and I removed it because I didn't know if Google allowed it or not. A new logo will come soon. Along with that, some pages on the site were removed. Those pages were outdated and will return with they are updated.
Also, while not very legalistic, I created a Privacy Policy and a Disclaimer. Nothing really new, just understand that Google and 3rd Parties may put cookies on your computer. Also, the disclaimer just lets others know we aren't endorsed by Minecraft.

This post wasn't much new, because my forum post explained the essentials, but some new information was added. My life has been busy, but every day I have tried my best to do a little bit for you guys. Expect some great things coming soon.

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