Sunday, November 10, 2013

What do You Want? - Theme

Over the next week I will be covering 4 important topics: Theme, Difficulty, Teleportation, and Whitelist. Today I will cover the topic of the server theme.


The "theme" is the term I am using for the style for our server, or in other words, how close or how far we are from Vanilla Minecraft. First I will explain what themes we will not be using for the server. Then I will describe 3 themes I suggest we use.

Client Mods 

This includes servers such as Tekkit, Hexxit, and FTB. These mod packs are fun, but there is no reason that we need them on the server. I believe Vanilla Minecraft already has plenty and Bukkit is great for adding a little extra to what it doesn't have. If we really wanted a modded server, we would need to make it a separate one because of the massive difference mod packs can have with the original game.

Heavy Bukkit 

On the same token, we won't be using a server that is heavily bukkit. This does not mean we won't use bukkit. Heavy Bukkit, as I am calling it, is where the entire gameplay is changed with either way too many plugins or massive plugins. Servers that pop into my head with this theme are DungeonRealms and minigame servers such as Hypixel and Shotbow. These servers offer gameplay completely different from the Vanilla experience. In addition, such Heavy Bukkit servers take a long time to create because most of the plugins are custom made.

Pure Vanilla

The rest of the themes I am going to discuss are ones that we could use on the server.
The Pure Vanilla theme almost needs no explanation; it is simply Vanilla Minecraft. It won't have any plugins because it won't be affiliated with Bukkit at all. What we have right now is Pure Vanilla.
This theme is great for a few reasons. First, we will be able to enjoy the original aspects of Minecraft without any modification. As Ion said, the entire atmosphere of the server is different, with everything much more peaceful and cooperative and simple. Second, updates such as this last 1.7 won't be a problem because we would run the Vanilla server file. We could even run snapshots! Finally, Vanilla uses a lot less CPU than Bukkit which means less lag and less server costs.

Tiny Bukkit

Pure Vanilla is a great theme our server could have, but it also has its downsides. Without Bukkit,  there are some things left out. For example, we will not be able to protect our claims with Grief Prevention, have nicknames, or enjoy PvP arenas (as easily). This leads to Tiny Bukkit, which has 2 different sub-themes: Choconilla and Vanilla-Bukkit.


I have used the term Choconilla before, but that was a long time ago so I will redefine this theme.
In the Choconilla theme, we still play Minecraft as we do in Vanilla. However, the Vanilla is added upon so there is new or more advanced ways to play the game. Examples of Choconilla plugins include: Machinacraft (drills), virtual horses, AutoCraft (moving ships), extra enchantments. If we had the Choconilla theme, it doesn't necessarily mean we will have any or all of these plugins, but these are the kind of plugins we would have; plugins that add to or change the game.


This is the final theme for us to consider. Vanilla-Bukkit would be run by Bukkit, but besides that be like Vanilla gameplay. You would still play everything as you are right now on the server. The difference is small plugins or protection plugins. This includes: GriefPrevention, rollback/logging plugin, and nicknames.

Summing Up

With the brief explanation of each theme, we now have a decision to make. There are 3 themes to choose from: Pure Vanilla, Choconilla, and Vanilla-Bukkit.
One thing I would like to add is that Choconilla and Vanilla-Bukkit are very similar. Both involve Bukkit. Choconilla can still have small plugins like a nickname plugin and Vanilla-Bukkit can still change the game with plugins like GriefPrevention.
What we really need to decide first then is whether we want Pure Vanilla or Tiny Bukkit. If we decide we want Tiny Bukkit, then we need to decide how much we are going to change. With each plugin we will have to decide whether we want it or not, and sometimes we won't follow the general theme we decided on, but most of the time we will. The theme we decide will be a guideline for what plugins we will have and which plugins we won't have.

Your Opinion

Now that you know what the question is, now it is time for you to give your opinion. Which theme do you think the server should have? Do you want Pure Vanilla or Tiny Bukkit? Do you want more Choconilla plugins or Vanilla-Bukkit plugins?
You can either comment your answer in the comments or on the forum. There will also be polls on the forum for you to fill out soon. While all of this is going on, remember to respect others' opinions.
Your opinions are very much appreciated and are very helpful. Thank you!


  1. My opinion is that Choconila would best, as it has worked well in the past. I don't think the reason for the peace was the change to Vanilla, I think it was the map reset.

  2. Choconilla, and this is why:

    Client Mods: Though client mods are fun, they make the game really unfair for newer players, as those who have played for a while soon can have the most overpowered things.

    Heavy Bukkit: I am not opposed against a server that is radically different from normal Minecraft. However, some people here seem to be obsessed with the idea that vanilla Minecraft is the way to go. Also, there is the fact, as you said, that it would take a while to set up.

    Pure Vanilla: NO. Pure vanilla can become so dull, it is not even funny. And, no protection? I do like some protection, and the ability to use plugins like machinacraft.

    Vanilla-Bukkit I don't care for this option so much. I do like the ability to control a bit more than the basics.

    Choconilla seems to be the way to go. Allows for a unique experience, without being boring, over-powered, or incredilby divisive. It can please both people who want a modded server, and the people who would like to spend hours on a pure vanilla server.

  3. I am tempted to go for Choconilla, the ships plugin, Autocraft has caught my eye and Ion was planning a "scroll" plugin which looks awesome BTW.
    So yeah, Choconilla is my way to go.

    1. The magic scrolls are pure vanilla, actually.

  4. Vanilla-choc.
    Just a few additions to Vanilla, and I personally consider something like Vico/Ion's scroll idea (I heard what it was) a radical change. (I'll expand later what I'd want added, but my freetime is waning now. :P)

  5. I'd personally prefer vanilla bukkit, for the same reasons I gave earlier. I like to keep it simple, and if we don't need something that would alter gameplay, I prefer not to bother with it too much. Things like ships are nice, though.

  6. I prefer Vanilla Bukkit but also like Choconilla bit. It really depends on the plugin. If 1 was pure Choconilla and 10 was pure Vanilla Bukkit, I would probably be a 7; I like to stay close to Vanilla with a few changes but also like a few plugins that add something extra fun.


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