Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Team Roster

Just a quick and simple post. We have a roster going to see who is still active during all this downtime. I'm hoping a lotta people turn out. Thanks guys! (link below)

Have a great day,
Ferfature the Christographer

P.S. Check my other post about when we'll get the server up again.


  1. HEY GUYS! Perhaps you might remember me I'm Sol, remember your old friend who left due to some issues that no longer exsist. Anyways, Mine has finished minecore (YAY!). Check the information at However, I tried to get on but couldn't so you might not be able to. I will inform Mine of this though. I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing you guys again.


    1. I remember you Sol. Glad you are back!


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