Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Fixers or Updates?

All of you know that the server is a mess. Lately the server has been crashing. Plugins are breaking the server. You have to be Op just to use some plugins. Obviously something needs to be done.
However, I wanted to know how you would prefer me to accomplish this. I have two ideas, one I prefer more than the other, but both are still good possibilities.


In this plan, I would keep the server as is. You would not notice anything different for a while. In the background, however, I would be busy cleaning up each plugin one at a time. When one plugin is ready to go, I would replace it with the older one. I wouldn't work on any new plugins until all current plugins are ready.


This would be a major change to the server. I would remove ALL plugins. Don't worry, before I would do this I would update all the core plugins, such as Essentials, WorldEdit, etc. So when I removed all plugins, the first update would be the same time. Also, permissions would be installed.
At least every week or two weeks, I would release a new update. In the update would include new and updated plugins, usually with a certain theme, and already have all their permissions set up. These plugins would be all fixed and completely ready, with no need for temp-ops.

What is my favorite? The Updates plan. While we would have to do with very few plugins for a while, understand that right now, we don't even use half of them because they are so messed up and you don't even know they are there. I also like the Updates plan because just like Minecraft, there is that anxiety in an update. The Fixers plan doesn't have that, because nothing new comes, just a few config changes.
So if I like the Updates plan so much, why am I asking your opinion? Because out of the two options, this is the more drastic. I don't want to throw something really big at you without asking. So please vote and comment on the forum, using a new poll feature!

TnT update anyone?
While off topic, I am giving posts on the homepage labels now: news, updates, and feedback. This way you can see all posts having to do with what you want to know, such as all the recent updates IN has had. This is a feedback post, because I am asking your opinion. A news post is simply just some...news.


NOTE: The poll so far has unanimously decided that Updates i better. However, I want to warn you that some plugins will be temporarily disabled. The major ones will be updated first, i.e., Essentials, World Edit, Dynmap, etc. while you will have to wait about a week or two for others, such as Ships and perhaps Machina. You may not have to wait long, but remember that I am completely redoing the plugins to be 100% optimized and hopefully bug-free. You have been warned.

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