Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Server Updated to 1.6.2

Just a small notice to tell you that the server updated to 1.6.2. If you can't log in, make sure you updated to 1.6.2 and are not playing 1.6.1; there is a small, yet important enough difference. While this update is simply just bug fixes, I wanted to keep the server up to date :)


  1. Imagine, is there a plugin that prevents you from typing too many letters in caps LIKE THIS? Because it is really annoying me. If I want to put something in caps to emphisize it or give you the idea that I'd be saying it loud if we were talking then it takes that away. I was wondering if you could fix this.


    1. Maybe it's EssentialsChat? I don't remember because... you know why.


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